What will 2021 bring?

It is a brand-new year, and as we move further into 2021, it is looking promising! While 2020 had its ups and downs, the beginning of a new year is an exciting time – a whole year ahead of us, that looks to be filled with family, friends, functions and food! 

Almost 12 months on we learn a lot from the impact of worldwide pandemic on supply sourcing and supply of fresh food. As a whole industry has adapted extremely well to the increasing demand for fresh food, the challenges with supply chains and transport as well as the difficulty of a reduction in seasonal workers for harvesting crops.

With the potential return of international travel, we foresee that the challenges faced with the supply chain and workforce will ease, and somewhat return back to what they were pre COVID.

So we turn to our forecasts on consumer trends for the year. We foresee this year being the year of the social gathering as the community returns to ‘normal’. We estimate that an increase in dining out at restaurants and cafes, a continued focus on health and nutrition, return to exercise and home cooking and baking will see a rise in popularity. 

We would love to discuss with you your 2021 and how it will impact your product requirements. But for now, here are our 2021 forecasts for consumer trends.

The return of dining out

This year we predict dining out at both restaurants and cafes will gain popularity. Patrons will be keen to spend time with large groups of family and friends while enjoying the atmosphere of eating out at their local restaurants and cafes. The ‘return to normal’ will be gradual and generally linked to the speed of the vaccination roll out.

Indoor and outdoor dining, along with take away and delivery services, will have the hospitality industry humming at its best.

Support for local restaurants and cafes will skyrocket more than ever to help assist their hometowns and neighbourhoods’ businesses in rebuilding after the significant impacts of COVID.

With the popularity in dining out rising, restaurants and cafes will go from strength to strength as the capacity for patrons increases, along with the trend of creating larger outdoor dining areas. 

Delivery and takeaway will likely remain popular for customers that may be conscious of continuing with social distancing.

Sticking with Health and Nutrition

Throughout 2020, the world re-established a connection with eating well and eating nutritionally dense foods through understanding the link between nutrition and health. With limited access to fast foods, the population started eating at home more, helping to understanding the key part that food plays in your overall health. A continued appreciation for natural ingredients and healthy food alternatives is likely as people become more conscious of their personal nutrition and the health of their families.

In some circumstances the limiting nature of lockdowns had a great number of people watching their waist and, let’s just say, some were more successful than others! This will play a significant part in 2021, as the greater population resumes their exercise and fitness programs as gyms and recreational centres return to normal. 

Nutritionally dense, easy and healthy foods will be at the front of everyone’s minds this year. 

The increase and continuation of the home chef

During our time in various stages of lockdown and isolation, a love for cooking and baking was rekindled. More than ever people were exploring the world of cooking, trying new recipes and baking things from scratch with natural ingredients. 

We see this trend extending into 2021 as people host more homecooked dinners and barbecue lunches and create homemade foods for their families. New and exciting ingredients will be at the top of everyone’s minds, as people continue to hone their cooking skills.

The return of social gatherings

We are calling it – 2021 is the year for social gatherings! People are spending more time with their families and friends, whether in the comfort of their homes or out at cafes and restaurants. 

Birthday parties, casual barbecues, professional lunches and more, held at home and in public, will be in for a comeback this year, alongside weddings and other functions that were rescheduled from last year to this year. This along with new bookings will see the hospitality and small business industries thriving.

We have high hopes for 2021, the return to ‘normal’ will be gradual but our communities will revel in the ability to be able to throw a party, meet in groups for breakfast or have the family over for an afternoon BBQ. Health and nutrition will be a key focus, to get healthy and stay that way. 

Foods will be the centre of it all, and naturally this will increase demand significantly. With a natural long lead time on the production, harvest and supply on fresh foods we encourage all of our clients to consider their requirements for the entire year. This will allow us to reach out to our global networks and secure future harvests for you, giving you the consistency and reliability of stock, you need. 

Start a conversation with our team today.  Contact us on 02 4573 2555 or by email at info@naturalingredients.com.au

2020 Natural Ingredients Wrap Up

Wow, what a year!

2020 presented us with some interesting challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic affected supply of fresh produce right around the world; we had an immediate increase in demand for produce, which had a large-scale impact on international supply chains. 

But it was not necessarily bad news!

The huge increase in the demand for healthy and nutritious ingredients aligned with the resurgence of home food preparation and a focus on eating for well-being. This had a positive effect on food producers, the retail food industry and food retailers right around Australia. 

There were key areas in which we saw the most impact from the global pandemic, we discuss them further below. 

The demand for fresh food

Even before 2020, the customer demand from consumers for nutritious and healthy food was on the rise. 

All around the world, households were being restricted to their homes, staying home from their workplaces and unable to visit restaurants or takeaways. This, in turn, created a need for cooking ingredients and nutritious food. We saw that consumers were exploring cooking and food preparation options, trying new recipes and ingredients, and eating meals prepared at home more often than previously. 

These changes led to a large spike in demand for supply of fresh produce. This put immense strain on the producers and impacted their ability to meet the increased market demand globally. Forecasting became a critical element throughout the year to secure the required shipments, when needed.  

The increased demand for ingredients and healthy food options meant that Australia’s retail food industry thrived throughout 2020. 

Travel restrictions impacts farm workforce

In contrast to previous years, the ability to deliver crops was not influenced by natural occurrences such as weather, pests or disease. For the first time in recent history the ability to get produce to market was affected greatly by the ability of the farms to harvest crops within the required time frame. 

Due to restricted travel for international workers and temporary workers, farmers had to meet the challenges of being able to harvest their crops with a reduced workforce. As crops are required to be harvested, packed and shipped in a timely manner before they start degrading, this was a major concern in the supply chain. 

These pressures, in some cases, delayed shipments. But with a lot of hard work by our team and our producers on streamlining the supply process, we were able to meet our market demand. 

Impact of the global pandemic on supply chain

More than ever, this was a year full of challenges in working with the global pandemic and meeting the increased consumer demand.

Our team managed these challenges by working closely through existing relationships with farms and farmers to meet the requirements of our clientele. It also created a need for us to establish new relationships with additional producers, farming communities and suppliers in order to meet the demand increase. The establishing of these relationships was a great success and have led to new opportunities with additional supply and new products in the future. Watch this space!

From the farms

We regularly visit the farms and farming communities that work with us at Natural Ingredients. We do this to secure the highest quality produce, streamline the process and secure future harvests for our clients.

Unfortunately, this year we were unable to complete this travel. Business has continued from afar, but we are very keen to meet with our friends in the fields again.  

2020 presented lots of obstacles, but overall, it was a year full of opportunity and unexpected demand that led to some great outcomes. Thank you to our amazing team, suppliers and clients for their hard work and dedication this year. 

Check back soon for our forecast blog for expected trends in 2021. 

Would you like to know more? Contact us on 02 4573 2555 or by email at info@naturalingredients.com.au

Discover the world of puree, with Herb Drops

Let’s face it, the world has changed a lot this year. 

Whether you own a cornucopia of restaurants, ship ready-made meals right around the country, or stock the nations grocers with products for families to enjoy at home, the story is the same. In a world working quickly to adapt to a new normal, one of the largest tasks is to consistently source high quality produce. Some of the biggest challenges faced by business is sourcing quality, affordable produce and then utilising these materials give you the best return.

These concerns, for herbs at least, have been satisfied by our puree herb drops. Discover why below; 

What are Herb Drops?

Herb drops are pure, pureed, frozen drop of herbs. Pure herbs, snap frozen just after harvest to retain quality and packaged to make it convenient for you. Our drops available in pre measured, 5g and 20g weights.

You will find a large selection of herbs available in the herb drop range, including; 

  • Basil
  • Dill
  • Chervil
  • Coriander
  • Red Chili Peppers
  • Curled Parsley 
  • Rocket
  • Mint
  • Garden Cress

There are so many reasons puree herb drops should be on your list for consideration, here are a just a few;

Available all year round.

As markets shift and change a big challenge for consistent supply can be the seasonal nature of many of the products our best recipes and products rely on, including herbs. Our herbs drop are available all year round and are consistent in size and quality.

Easy to store

Storing fresh herbs can often be a challenge with correct humidity and temperature, plus they take up quite a bit of space. Fresh herbs also have a very limited shelf life for freshness, so it can be difficult to manage stock levels. Herbs drops are an excellent alternative to all those fresh herbs in your kitchen, both for storage ease and longevity. 

Fibre – Free

Each non-stick drop dissolves deliciously into whatever recipe or product you wish to make as they are fibre free. Any dish, sauce, cocktail, smoothie, soup, or sorbet would benefit by the time and energy saved using Herb Drops, in replacement of fresh herbs.

Less Waste = better value

Each 300 gram package, cuts down on wasteful and environmentally harmful individual packaging, contains 100% snap frozen herb drops, frozen individually in 5g or 20g sizes. In addition to reducing packaging, the pre-measured, pre weighed herbs drops mean you don’t have kitchen waste from excess produce, stems or sub-standard products, you get to use every last bit of you pay for!

Every kitchen knows how important timing is to the process of preparing a dish. Knowing that your herbal ingredients are fresh, easily available year around, and always ready to use can remove stress from any preparation. Both you and your customers will love the surprisingly intense flavour added to whatever you cook. 

Our Herb Drops are available in both regular and organic variants and are ready to order now. Contact our team to discuss your supply needs. 

If you would like more information on our herb drop range or you would like recipe ideas we would love to hear from you. We are available to at  (+61) 02 45732 555 or info@naturalingredients.com.au and our team will happily assist you with your enquiry. 

Reach out to us now to discover how we can help you.

Summer fruits update

While the weather is colder, summer fruits are normally far from our minds here in Australia. 

The harvest season has well and truly started for a large range of summer fruits in Europe and North America. Our farms are reporting a solid growing season and high quality produce. As the weather gets warmer, your customers will already be thinking of summer afternoons by the pool, BBQ’s and a sneaky cocktail or two. 

With the impact of COVID on the habits of consumers, we have seen a dramatic increase in home cooking and the use of base ingredients for recipes. This has notably become the new normal for the foreseeable future and we forecast that the demand for bulk fruits and bulk fruit products will continue, if not increase over summer. 

With this increased demand in mind, we are expecting good crops and subsequent ordering to meet this increased demand. Products arriving from the European and North American harvests include; 





Blueberry (Wild and Cultivated)

Cherry, Sour

Cherry, Sweet


Elderberry Red





Blood Orange





Red Raspberry and Black Raspberry




Supply is generally good, but we have encountered some delays with the picking and delivery supply chain due to the worldwide impact of COVID. 

Products we expect supply challenges on including Blackcurrant, due to significantly reduced plantings in Poland. Raspberries may be impacted due to reduced crop sizes and very strong retail demand for frozen fruit during COVID, depleting global inventories. We strongly recommend contracting these products early as consideration needs to be made for extended delivery times, to ensure supply and to avoid further increases in pricing.

With all of these pressures on the demand plus the supply chain for late 2020, we encourage you to discuss with us your forecast plans for our 20/21 summer and beyond at your earliest opportunity.

Contact us at 02 4573 2555 or by your representative’s email or at info@naturalingredients.com.au